“At a press conference at Trump Tower on September 28th [2015],
[Donald] Trump unveiled his own tax plan. ‘Too few Americans are
working,, too many jobs are being shipped overseas and too many
middle-income families cannot make ends meet,’ he proclaimed.
‘This plan directly meets these challenges, and the challenges also
of business.’ What followed was a tax cut for about everybody.
Seventy-five million Americans - single people making less than
twenty-five thousand dollars a year and married couples making
less than fifty - would be dropped from the tax rolls altogether.
But the biggest winners would be the rich: Trump would reduce the
number of tax brackets from seven to four, and would cut the rates
middle-income families cannot make ends meet,’ he proclaimed.
‘This plan directly meets these challenges, and the challenges also
of business.’ What followed was a tax cut for about everybody.
Seventy-five million Americans - single people making less than
twenty-five thousand dollars a year and married couples making
less than fifty - would be dropped from the tax rolls altogether.
But the biggest winners would be the rich: Trump would reduce the
number of tax brackets from seven to four, and would cut the rates
of the top earners by fourteen per cent, below the level proposed by
[Jeb] Bush. Even Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform blessed
Trump's plan. In the midst of an anti-establishment revolt, supply-side
dogma has an unbreakable hold on Republican politics.”
[Jeb] Bush. Even Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform blessed
Trump's plan. In the midst of an anti-establishment revolt, supply-side
dogma has an unbreakable hold on Republican politics.”
November 9, 2015