“For the first time in this race, one of the super PACs
supporting Hillary Clinton’s campaign has placed a ‘six-figure’ ad buy in Iowa,
putting its thumb on the scale in her favor less than two weeks before the
“The super PAC is predictably funded by a number of
millionaires and billionaires, including a former Goldman Sachs executive who ‘pioneered
the trades that allowed the mega-bank to profit from the collapse of the
housing market."
Our campaign doesn’t have a super PAC. We are backed by
more than 2.5 million individual small-dollar contributions and the largest
volunteer operation in the race. And we’ve put ourselves in a position where we
could overtake the Clinton campaign in Iowa. It’d be a tremendous shame if a
super PAC is what took down Bernie in these closing days.
“The economic and political systems in this country are
stacked against ordinary Americans. The rich get richer and use their wealth to
buy elections. But for the first time, we’re building an organization with the
power to fight back, and that has them terrified.”
In solidarity,
Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie [Sanders] [January] 2016
Campaign Manager
Bernie [Sanders] [January] 2016