Sunday, March 6, 2016


“It's not just conservatives and corporations that are seeking intellectual
capture. The Democracy Alliance was founded in 2005 by a group of liberals
looking to counter the tide of corporate money into think tanks and advocacy
groups. As Kenneth Vogel has reported in Politico, the alliance has compiled a
roster of a hundred or so wealthy individuals committed to giving at least
$200,000 annually to twenty-one endorsed institutions, among them the
Center for American Progress, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and Media Matters for America. Major donors include George Soros; Rob McKay, the heir to the Taco Bell
ne; Tom Steyer, the former hedge fund manager turned environmental activist; and Houston trial lawyers Amber and Steve Mostyn.

“How much each donor gives and to what is not known, however, for the
Democracy Alliance is highly secretive, with a website that seems opaque
by design.”

Massing, Michael, ‘How to Cover the One Percent,’ The New York Review, January 14, 2016, pp: 74-76.