“Sharp critiques of the ‘1 percent’ have been commonplace since the first Occupy
Wall Street protest. Sociologist Linsey McGoey goes as far as to question the strategies
and influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world's largest
charitable foundation, in No Such Thing as a-Free Gift. McGoey credits the Gateses .
for doing good, such as seeking to eradicate malaria and other disease, but takes issue
with their approach to global health problems.”
Wall Street protest. Sociologist Linsey McGoey goes as far as to question the strategies
and influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world's largest
charitable foundation, in No Such Thing as a-Free Gift. McGoey credits the Gateses .
for doing good, such as seeking to eradicate malaria and other disease, but takes issue
with their approach to global health problems.”
Associated Press. Michael Hill, “The Rich Give, and Get
Grief,” printed in the Bloomsburg (PA) Press-Enterprise, pp: 25 and 28, January
27, 2016.