[In Ohio in September 2015, George Packer interviewed
steelworker Jack Baum, whose union was locked out of the steel mill of
Allegheny Technologies Inc. (A.T.I.) in Canton.]
[Jack Baum
began:] “ ‘The rich elitists are not just Republicans,’ he
said. ‘They're Democrats, too.’ He continued, ‘Our Founding Fathers told us
we should be able to go from modest means to riches with our own efforts.'
This is a country of capitalists-everybody should be rich. The problem is, the
rich don't want anybody rubbing shoulders with them. The middle class hits
that wall and can't get over it. We've been cornered. If you're in a corner, you have
we should be able to go from modest means to riches with our own efforts.'
This is a country of capitalists-everybody should be rich. The problem is, the
rich don't want anybody rubbing shoulders with them. The middle class hits
that wall and can't get over it. We've been cornered. If you're in a corner, you have
no choice but to fight your way out.’"
Packer, George, “The Republican Class War,” pp: 26-34, The
New Yorker,
November 9, 2015.
November 9, 2015.