Sunday, March 6, 2016


“'You don't consider yourself a capitalist?" Anderson Cooper, of CNN, asked Senator Bernie Sanders 0f Vermont, in October [2015], at the first Democratic Presidential debate. Sanders gave a look suggesting that Cooper had just asked him to put on a black-silk top hat and play.the Monopoly man. Do I consider myself part of the casino-capitalist process, by which so few have so much and so many have so little, by which Wall Street's greed and recklessness wrecked this economy?’ Sanders said. ‘No, I don't.’ Cooper, who wondered how ‘any kind o£ , socialist-Sanders calls himself a ‘democratic socialist-  could win a general election, asked the other candidates if they weren't capitalists.”

Amy Davidson, “Radical Measures,” New Yorker, Talk of the Town, January 25, 2016, pp: 19-20.