“ “More than anything, Trump supporters are defined by class: non-college-
educated whites favor him at twice the rate of those with college degrees. Trump is
.attracting the very blue-collar Americans whom the reformocons were aiming
to bind to the Republican Party. So far, at least, these voters, many of them
angry and alienated, aren't listening to the ‘Room to Grow’ crowd. They're
thrilling to madder music.”
educated whites favor him at twice the rate of those with college degrees. Trump is
.attracting the very blue-collar Americans whom the reformocons were aiming
to bind to the Republican Party. So far, at least, these voters, many of them
angry and alienated, aren't listening to the ‘Room to Grow’ crowd. They're
thrilling to madder music.”
Packer, George, “The Republican Class War,” pp: 26-34 (28), The
New Yorker, November 9, 2015.