“Populism is a stance and a rhetoric more than an ideology or a
set of positions. It speaks of a battle of good against evil, demanding
simple answers to difficult problems. ([Donald] Trump: ‘Trade? We're gonna fix it.
Health care? We're gonna fix it’") It's suspicious of the normal bargaining
and compromise that constitute democratic governance. (On the stump,
set of positions. It speaks of a battle of good against evil, demanding
simple answers to difficult problems. ([Donald] Trump: ‘Trade? We're gonna fix it.
Health care? We're gonna fix it’") It's suspicious of the normal bargaining
and compromise that constitute democratic governance. (On the stump,
[Bernie] Sanders seldom touts his bipartisan successes as chairman of the Senate
Veterans' Affairs Committee.) Populism can have a cospiratorial and
apocalyptic bent - the belief that the country, or at least its decent majority,
is facing imminent ruin at the hands of a particular group of malefactors
(Mexicans, billionaires, Jews, politicians).”
Veterans' Affairs Committee.) Populism can have a cospiratorial and
apocalyptic bent - the belief that the country, or at least its decent majority,
is facing imminent ruin at the hands of a particular group of malefactors
(Mexicans, billionaires, Jews, politicians).”
Packer, George, “The Populists,” pp: 23 and 24, a Talk of the
Town essay in The New Yorker, September 7, 2015.
around and they get lucky.’"
Packer, George, “The Populists,” pp: 23 and 24, a Talk of
the Town essay in The New Yorker, September 7, 2015.