“Organizations like the [Charles and David] Koch-funded American Lands
Council are working to help local governments reclaim some control of public land. Senator Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska, sponsored an amendment last March [2015] supporting the selling, trading, and transfer of federal land to the states. Ted Cruz has said that the U.S. should be prohibited from owning more than fifty per cent of the land in any state.
“The libertarian appeal of the ‘take back the land’ rhetoric masks a fundamental contradiction: the West has flourished because of the federal government's help, not in spite of it.”
James Surowiecki, “Bundynomics,” in the New Yorker,
January 25, 2016, page 23.
nt-family:"Times New Roman";color:#202020;background:
white'>, resulting in the first Bundy standoff.
James Surowiecki, “Bundynomics” in the New Yorker,
January 25, 2016, page 23.