“Ammon Bundy, the leader of the armed militia that stormed the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, in Oregon, has a simple solution for fixing the economy of the West: get the federal government out of the way. His group's chief demand is that the federal government hand over all of Malheur to local control. The ultimate goal, he says, is ‘to get the logger back to logging, to get the rancher back to ranching, to get the miner back to mining.’ Bundy's tactics make him easy to dismiss as a kook, but his ideology is squarely
in the mainstream of Western conservatism, with its hostility to government ownership, skepticism about environmental rules, and conviction that individual enterprise is being strangled by government regulations.”
“Ammon Bundy, the leader of the armed militia that stormed the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, in Oregon, has a simple solution for fixing the economy of the West: get the federal government out of the way. His group's chief demand is that the federal government hand over all of Malheur to local control. The ultimate goal, he says, is ‘to get the logger back to logging, to get the rancher back to ranching, to get the miner back to mining.’ Bundy's tactics make him easy to dismiss as a kook, but his ideology is squarely
in the mainstream of Western conservatism, with its hostility to government ownership, skepticism about environmental rules, and conviction that individual enterprise is being strangled by government regulations.”
James Surowiecki, “Bundynomics” in the New Yorker,
January 25, 2016, page 23.