“There aren't many examples of the populist strongman in
American history (Huey Long comes to mind). Our attachment
to democracy, if not to its institutions and professionals,
has been too firm for that. There are more examples of Populists
who, while failing to win national election, extend parameters of
discourse and ultimately bring about important reforms (think of
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.). Though populists seldom get elected
President, they can - like the young Tom Watson [early 20th century populist]
and the old – cleanse or foul the political air.”
American history (Huey Long comes to mind). Our attachment
to democracy, if not to its institutions and professionals,
has been too firm for that. There are more examples of Populists
who, while failing to win national election, extend parameters of
discourse and ultimately bring about important reforms (think of
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.). Though populists seldom get elected
President, they can - like the young Tom Watson [early 20th century populist]
and the old – cleanse or foul the political air.”
-George Packer
Packer, George, “The Populists,” pp: 23 and 24, a Talk of
the Town essay in The New Yorker, September 7, 2015.