Monday, March 7, 2016


“In any event, the lasting contribution of the Kochs to our history will almost certainly be the introduction of truly huge money into the political process, vast funds coming from the tiniest sliver of the population. With each election cycle the resources they’ve assembled have grown, and this year, as I’ve said, they’ve announced plans to spend $889 million. About $300 million of that is slated to go directly into campaigns; the rest will pay for get-out-the-vote operations, their voter data project, and the like. ‘We’ve had money in the past, but this is so far beyond what anyone has thought of it’s mind-boggling,’ Fred Wertheimer, the longtime head of Common Cause, told [Jane] Mayer. ‘This is unheard of in the history of the country. There has never been anything that approaches this.’ Thanks to Mayer, we are, at least, fully warned.”

“The Koch Brothers’ New Brand,” a review in the New York Review [March 10, 2016; pp. 16-18] by Bill McKibben of Jane Mayer’s Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right (2016).