“In many ways, the rise of the velvet rope reverses the great democratization of travel and leisure, and other
elements of American life, in the post-World War II era. As the Jet Set gave
way to budget airlines, in places like airports and theme parks even the
wealthiest often rubbed shoulders with hoi polloi.
“These days, whether the provider is a private company or a public agency, special treatment for the very rich isn’t
personal, it’s business. Late last year [2015], public officials in Los Angeles
agreed to lease a separate facility at LAX
to a private firm that would serve celebrities or
anyone else willing to pay $1,800 to skip the traffic jams and lines
at the main terminals.”
Nelson D. Schwartz, “In and Age of Privilege,
Not Everyone Is in the Same Boat: Companies Are Becoming Adept at Identifying
Wealthy Customers and Marketing to Them, Creating a Money-Based Caste System.”
New York Times, April 24, 2016, page A1.