“Evictions are brutal.
[Matthew] Desmond watches as an armed deputy knocks and a mother
pleads vainly for time. The mover says she can pay to store her possessions or
have them left on the street. She can’t afford storage. ‘Curbside service, baby!’ the mover tells the
crew. Three children watch their mother pace. ‘Her face had that look,’ Desmond writes. ‘The movers and the deputies knew
it well. It was the look of someone realizing that her family would be homeless
in a matter of hours.’ One woman from the trailer park spent $1,000 on the
storage bills but fell behind and lost her belongings anyway. About 70 percent
of evicted tenants who opt for storage do. A week earlier, a man asked the
deputy for a private moment, then shot himself in the head.”
Jason DeParle, “Kicked Out in America,” a review in the New
York Review (March 10, 2016, pp:25-27) of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in
the American City, by Matthew Desmond.