“NEW YORK, April 5 (Reuters)
- U.S. drug maker Pfizer Inc's $160 billion agreement to acquire Botox maker
Allergan Plc was on the brink of being abandoned on Tuesday, after the U.S.
Treasury issued new rules on how tax ‘inversion’ deals can be structured.
“Allergan's shares were hit
considerably hard on Tuesday, showing how the rules that were issued on Monday
targeted the biggest inversion attempted to date. The federal government has
grappled with a wave of recent inversions by U.S. companies seeking to slash their tax bills by redomiciling overseas in merger deals.
“Pfizer is now leaning towards
abandoning the deal with Allergan, though no final decision has yet been made,
a source familiar with the situation said. Were the deal to be tweaked, Pfizer
is concerned U.S. President Barack Obama's administration could change the
rules again to thwart a deal, according to the source.
“Pfizer shares ended up 2 percent
on hopes the company would walk away or renegotiate the deal in its favor.
Allergan shares closed down 14.8 percent to their lowest level since October
“Obama on Tuesday called global
tax avoidance a ‘huge problem’ and urged Congress to take action to stop U.S. companies from tax-avoiding corporate ‘inversions’, which lower companies tax bills by redomiciling
" ‘While the Treasury
Department's actions will make it more difficult... to exploit this particular
corporate inversions loophole, only Congress can close it for good,’ Obama
“Several U.S. presidential
candidates, including Republican Donald Trump and Democrats Hillary Clinton and
Bernie Sanders, have seized on the issue in their campaigns.
" ‘We have so many companies
leaving, it is disgraceful,’ Trump told reporters as he greeted voters in
Waukesha, Wisconsin on Tuesday. Clinton and Sanders both expressed support for
Treasury's plan.
“Besides Pfizer-Allergan, other pending inversion deals that
have not yet closed include the proposed $16.5
billion merger of Johnson Controls Inc with Ireland-based Tyco International Plc, Waste Connections Inc's $2.67
billion deal with Canada's Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd , and IHS Inc's $13 billion
acquisition of London-based Markit Ltd.