“Perhaps the strongest argument for caring about higher education
is that it can increase social mobility, regardless of whether the human-capital
theory or the signalling theory is correct. A recent study by researchers at the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco showed that children who are born
into households in the poorest fifth of the income distribution are six times as
likely to reach the top fifth if they graduate from college. Providing access
to college for more kids from deprived backgrounds helps nurture talents that
might otherwise go to waste, and it's the right thing to do.”
is that it can increase social mobility, regardless of whether the human-capital
theory or the signalling theory is correct. A recent study by researchers at the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco showed that children who are born
into households in the poorest fifth of the income distribution are six times as
likely to reach the top fifth if they graduate from college. Providing access
to college for more kids from deprived backgrounds helps nurture talents that
might otherwise go to waste, and it's the right thing to do.”
Cassidy, John, “College Calculus, What’s the Real Value of
College Education?” New Yorker, September 7, 2015, pp: 80-84.