“Our campaign-finance laws
allow big businesses to buy a great deal of influence in Washington. The sociology of the American élite means
that the people at the higher rungs of
government and the people at the higher rungs of business often went to school
together, live in the same neighborhoods, and
move back and forth between the two sides during their careers. That dulls the
edge of their putative opposition. The European Union, which can go after
monopolies under an “abuse of dominance” standard that doesn’t exist in the
United States, has been rattling its sabre at Google and Amazon. The Obama
Administration, like the Bush Administration, has not. And so the ‘Trust
problem’ has become a trust problem.”
Nicholas Lemann, “Notorious Big, Why the Spectre of Size Has
Always Haunted American Politics,” in the New Yorker, March 28, 2016,
pp: 72-75.